Taxi Srervice in Jaipur Tariff
- 1 Day Sight Seeing Etios Rs 1,500-
- 2 Days Sight Seeing Etios Rs 2,800-
- Choki Dhani Etios Rs 1000-
- Airport Pickup or Drop Rs 600 (Etios) Rs 1,200-(Innova)
- Ajmer,Pushkar,Agra Rs 9/Km( Etios ) Rs 12/km (Innova)
- Taxi On Hourly Basis Rs 200-/Hr/10Kms (Etios) & Rs 200 (Indigo) Minimum 8 Hrs Chargeable
- We also provide AC Buses for Big Family Groups
Rates given above are very competitive as compared to RTDC
We are responsible for our services
(Good Condition Cars & Well Behaved Driver Guranteed)
Which will make your tour to Pink city Jaipur Memorable.